Friday, June 13, 2014

And So It Begins..... By Daniel

You know I wonder what history does the kite have? Was it a signal. was it a sign to express something, because were going to talk about .................

                                                     THE HISTORY OF KITES

Now first up we have the first purpose of kites. Now we see kites as a toy but china sees the kite as a religion symbol. They believe in dragons so they make them out of a kite and have a celebration. The next purpose of kites was for military use in China. They would fly it in the air and calculate the distance between them and their enemy. Who made this idea Chinese general Han Hsin. So this spread-ed along Asia like the peanut butter on my jelly sandwich. So japan got a hold of it and used it to drive evil away from good farms. It was basically the dream catcher of japan in the Edo period. Well that's it for today folks come back for more in a few day because i am ready for the weekend

1 comment:

  1. Good post! It definitely kept my attention and it's interesting. One grow from this is you may want to go back and re-read for grammar
