Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mathematics Behind A Kites By Eris

Hi welcome back to group 6s blog. Now for today we are going to talk about the mathematics behind kites. A lot of people did know this but kites involve kites. To make a kite, you have to find the length,width and the area of the kite, the altitude of the kite, the conversion of the kite and the measurment. You need to follow these mathamatical steps to build a kite. Group 6 has to make sure that they follow all these steps to be able to win the kite flying contest next week. Well that's it for now come back to read more blogs by group 6 and Eris.


  1. I really like how you incorporated math into kite building and mentioned the contest. One grow is re-read the post and check for grammar.

  2. I like how you showed the steps of what you have to do but next time re read what you wrote.

  3. I really liked how you entered in ''Kites that Bite'' then had the Nemo wallpaper but i think you should re-read and check for mistakes or grammar

  4. Hey it's Gerard.I like the way you used the kite as a mathematical problem.Your showing people that math is everywhere you look or turn.I like the way you went deep down in the paragraph written down.I like the way you drew me in as a reader.One thing you have to work on is your grammar.

  5. i like all the information but stop using one word the kite the kite the kite blahhh
